This website is currently evolving into the next level…

„Transformation is like a rollercoaster ride, except you don’t come out where you got on.“

Maybe you remember these moments… you are just about to take off on a rollercoaster ride. The intense mixture of feelings: excitement, thrill, your stomach pulling, fear. But you might also remember the feeling of proud and joy afterwards. You overcame your fear with trust and courage.

In all areas of life we feel an increasing pressure to adjust, change or even transform. This constant pressure can be exhausting, frustrating and overwhelming and so we turn away or sabotage ourselves, others or even in workplaces.

That’s why we need safe spaces to disclose what moves us. Only what’s visible can be processed. Only what’s processed, can change.

Here is a sneak peak what this space is going to offer:


  • Coaching on your biggest mission, challenges and saboteurs
  • Gestalt Therapy to unravel old conditioning, to tap into the wisdom of your body and to feel what you haven’t allowed yourself to feel


  • Retreats for deep transformation such as the Hero’s journey (by Paul Rebillot)
  • Retreats for men’s work to explore, embody and integrate the polarities of masculine and feminine energies to step into your power as a man


  • Leadership Journeys to develop the mindset, skills and tools to own your leadership power that shapes the transformation in your organisation
  • Workshops for authentic encounters and examination of individual and organisational thresholds that block a successful transformation


In the meanwhile:

Get in touch directly…